“Failure is not a bad thing.
It’s part of the process.”

– Josh Reed

Creator, Co-Founder: Josh Reed
Detroit born designer based in Atlanta.

No one is an overnight success. 

I’ve worked for some of the top publication houses, been an Art Director, and built my own businesses. But I didn’t start there. . . 

My mom used to take me out to the fields to draw. 

We would paint battered, old barns. She would tell me “It doesn’t have to be perfect because no one else will see this barn like you. Say what you want about this barn.” 

I later had an art teacher who took the pressure out of perfection. She told me to give it a shot, because if it doesn’t work out, we can start over. Early on, I learned failure is not a bad thing. It’s part of the process.

And boy, have I faced failure. School was grueling for me: My dyslexia and A.D.D were stumbling blocks for me and most of my teachers. 

Art helped me focus. Art gave me language when I had none and a path when traditional schooling let me down. Art has always been a constant in my life, just like it is for most artists…and writers…and performers…and dreamers. 

Creativity moves you to feel something—good, bad, or indifferent. Everything you are belongs somewhere worthy. Anything you make deserves to be shared. Creating is part of our human fiber and sharing it is part of the experience. 

Get up and get creating.